Caramel Apple Pie
Delicious whitehouse apples baked till tender and topped with streusel and caramel.
Tue. – Sat. | 5:00 am – 6:30 pm |
Delicious whitehouse apples baked till tender and topped with streusel and caramel.
The Kanelbullar, a.k.a. Swedish Sweet Roll, is a delicious breakfast roll seasoned with a hint of cardamon and covered in...
Delicious white cake filled with pistachio pastry cream and pineapple filling. Iced in a smooth and rich pistachio whipcream and...
The Key Lime Torte features 3 layers of yellow cake made with a hint of vanilla and lemon, which is...
Crumbly tart shell filled with pastry crème and topped with a variety of fresh fruit.
Made with yellow cake with a touch of vanilla and lemon, the Lemon Blossom Torte boasts a tart and tangy...
This month’s ToM starts with two layers of chocolate cake with a middle layer of white cake; iced and filled...
April’s Torte of the Month is the Cannoli Torte. We start with three layers of soft and delicious white cake....
Light and fluffy Chiffon cake with an infusion of orange and lightly glazed in a sweet maple icing.
Tues. - Sat.
5am - 6:30pm
664 Third St
Beaver, PA 15009
Phone: 724.774.2324
Website: Kretchmar's Bakery, Inc.
© Copyright 2019 Kretchmar's Bakery. All Rights Reserved.